SEIU International: Taxpayers took up a whole block protesting outside Goldman Sachs
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SEIU International: Over 1,000 protesters strech a while block outside of Goldman Sachs
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SEIU International: Taxpayers are mad--and they've had enough
SEIU International: Reclaim America, says Downsized Man outside Goldman Sachs
SEIU International: Over 1,000 rally outside Goldman Sachs protest in Chicago
SEIU International: SEIU Local 1 members outside Goldman Sachs
SEIU International: SEIU Local 721 member Erma Jean-Wood
SEIU International: Taxpayers get ready to deliver their letter to Goldman Sachs CEO outside the Chicago bank
SEIU International: Goldman Sachs protest
SEIU International: Policemen love our protests! Here they are outside Goldman Sachs
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SEIU International: SEIU's Tom Balanoff at Goldman Sachs protest
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