potosi6088m: pure enjoyment
potosi6088m: Hotel A. - for dreams in E Minor
potosi6088m: if music be the food of love, play on [William Shakespeare]
potosi6088m: Illusion
potosi6088m: Heilstätte B. - hope in the evening light
potosi6088m: in standby mode
potosi6088m: awesome silence
potosi6088m: there is hope
potosi6088m: in the greatest darkness everything is possible
potosi6088m: near the end
potosi6088m: Music is the language of passion. Richard Wagner
potosi6088m: the sound of silence
potosi6088m: Melancholy is to know the beauty of life, and to know it must end
potosi6088m: der rote Schal der Prinzessin
potosi6088m: listen to the silence
potosi6088m: unter schwierigen Bedingungen
potosi6088m: the last dance belongs to me
potosi6088m: when the last tone has died away
potosi6088m: Frühlingsstimmen - voices of spring - rêves de printemps
potosi6088m: difficult conditions for the Arts
potosi6088m: wenn der letzte Ton verklungen ist
potosi6088m: forgotten piano - wer hat hier ins Klavier gebissen
potosi6088m: das Vorspiel ...
potosi6088m: wenn der letzte Ton verklungen ist
potosi6088m: Kulturnachmittag mit Schneewalzer