seikinsou: The hills of Wales
seikinsou: Dublin Bay
seikinsou: Winding along its way
seikinsou: Green fields and hedgerows
seikinsou: Almost circular
seikinsou: Ryanair yellow
seikinsou: Gold course
seikinsou: Aer Lingus transatlantic A330
seikinsou: Lough Ennel at Lilliput
seikinsou: Dead tree at sunset
seikinsou: Sunset horizon
seikinsou: Sunset trees
seikinsou: Sunset avenue
seikinsou: Pine and cedars
seikinsou: A sunny morning
seikinsou: Fresh and old vapour trails
seikinsou: Red japonica
seikinsou: Cluster of red japonica flowers
seikinsou: A welcoming wall
seikinsou: White and yellow
seikinsou: Yellow along the fence
seikinsou: Gorgeous yellow
seikinsou: White and yellow mixed
seikinsou: Progress report
seikinsou: Crows' nests
seikinsou: Ewe and her lamb
seikinsou: Lesser celandine
seikinsou: The lighthouse of Kells
seikinsou: A hill of gorse
seikinsou: Into Northern Ireland