seeshells_creations: Clarise - Craftroom Supervisor
seeshells_creations: Nala - Chillin' in the Craftroom
seeshells_creations: Look up, Way up and I'll Call Rusty
seeshells_creations: Nala sacked out
seeshells_creations: Sabrina's Yawn
seeshells_creations: Sabrina's Evil Laugh
seeshells_creations: Clarise the Craftroom Cat
seeshells_creations: My 1st Craftroom
seeshells_creations: I'm cool - Nala
seeshells_creations: Sabrina waiting for Santa
seeshells_creations: Clarise the Wrappin' Cat
seeshells_creations: Nala - the Christmas Cat
seeshells_creations: Did I just hear Santa?
seeshells_creations: If only someone would open this door!
seeshells_creations: Clarise's Craftroom Christmas Tree
seeshells_creations: No Peeking Sabrina!