sealegs15: Gabs & Charles
sealegs15: Bridge to the Charles
sealegs15: Finally Here
sealegs15: Freezing
sealegs15: Citgo Sign
sealegs15: Pile of Leaves
sealegs15: Viewing the Cityscape
sealegs15: Frozen Rose
sealegs15: I'm So Lame
sealegs15: Rocks & Ice
sealegs15: Frozen Charles River
sealegs15: Down the Alley
sealegs15: Where do you Want to go?
sealegs15: Angela & Gabs
sealegs15: One Last Final
sealegs15: The Shakeweight
sealegs15: Out the Window
sealegs15: Familiar Buildings
sealegs15: Fish Eye
sealegs15: Caught the Train