I thank God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees,and for the blue dream of sky, and for everything which is natural, which is infinate, which is life~~e.e.cummings
Sip the sweet moments, let your true colors glow, don't get your feathers ruffled over little things, take yourself lightly, and keep your visits short and sweet~
When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain there would be no rainbow~
Thank you all for your kind comments and fav's, this is my first FP! Thank you Prakaz for the link <3
If i love you with all my heart, she said, what will you give me? And then she stopped and said I didn't have to answer that because she was going to do it anyway~ Story People
Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it~
I have always thought that stars turn into white birds in the morning light & sleep with their heads under their wings until the dusk begins to walk through the streets~Story People
Hasn't started to make sense of the world yet but thinks it's beautiful all the same~Story People
20 years from now you will be more dissappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.Catch the tradewinds in your sail. Explore.Dream.Discover~Mark Twain
I carry you with me into the world, into the smell of rain & the words that dance between people & for me it will always be this way, walking in the light, remembering being alive together~Story People