See-ming Lee (SML): “Rainbow Teddy made shorts from Swatch” #LGBT #Crazyisgood #hacks / SML.20130117.IP3.SQ.RainbowTeddy
See-ming Lee (SML): “Rainbow Teddy photographs 寧 Serenity” / SML.20130112.IPH5.RainbowTeddy.Serenity
See-ming Lee (SML): “Rainbow Teddy reads 佐籐可士和 Kashiwa Sato” #jp #design / SML.20130113.IP3.SQ.RainbowTeddy
See-ming Lee (SML): “DJ Rainbow Teddy mixing his next hit after Madonna called” #CCBY #Crazyisgood / SML.20130112.IP3.SQ.ToyStory
See-ming Lee (SML): “Q = improved hacked ashtray forms” #crazyisgood #hacks / SML.20130109.IP3.SQ.Hacks.Ashtray.Forms
See-ming Lee (SML): “Do it. Do it for you. Do it for your own happiness. Do it so your life has meaning. Do it so you can be.” / SML Philosophy / SML.20121212.PHIL.Life.Do.It
See-ming Lee (SML): “Your time is limited… have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.…” — Steve Jobs, You’ve got to find what you love, 2005 Stanford Commencement Speech /
See-ming Lee (SML): “I am sorry. I suck at ______. Thanks for being patient with me.” / SML.20121211.Apologies.ThankYou
See-ming Lee (SML): “Professionalism is qualitative, not quantitative.” / SML.20121209.PHIL
See-ming Lee (SML): “________ can be assholes, too. If people hate you for your being you, tell them to fuck off.” / SML.20121207.PHIL
See-ming Lee (SML): “Art = Creativity + Magic + Communication” / SML.20121207.PHIL.Art
See-ming Lee (SML): “Learn to say no.” / SML.20121206.PHIL
See-ming Lee (SML): “Be yourself. Be who you are. Never change for others.” / SML.20121205.PHIL
See-ming Lee (SML): SML Facebook Network / SML.2009.SMLNET.Facebook
See-ming Lee (SML): “Control all three. Control the network.” / SML.20121204.PHIL
See-ming Lee (SML): “Work should be play and play alone. Do what you love — that's the only thing which matters.” / SML.20121203.PHIL / #smlphil #ccby #smluniverse When you do what you love, you will have passion. When you have the passion to do your job, you will be good a
See-ming Lee (SML): “Anonymous Bathroom SML Me” This location renders really poetic forms. The tiling has a very matte finish so it takes quite a bit if effort in Snapseed to get some detail but it is well worth it! Both the natural lighting and subtle texture detail makes t
See-ming Lee (SML): “You are important. You matter.” / SML.20121202.PHIL / #smlphil #ccby #smluniverse
See-ming Lee (SML): SML wearing stickers which are part of an art installation by @CandyChang + @MrJamesReeves while dining with the artists in Causeway Bay. Photo by Mr James Reeves — #smlthankyou! SML / SML.20121129.IPH5 / #life4art #ccby #smlphotography
See-ming Lee (SML): “Malformed SML” #bathroomsmlme—I thought photographing trash was difficult. I was wrong. Finding interesting composition inside random bathrooms yet remain artistically pleasing has been a real push to my creativity :) SML + Bathroom Forms / SML.201211
See-ming Lee (SML): #bathroomsmlme No mirrors inside but the panels are amazing! The floor is shiny so it makes for good blurry reflective surface :) #crazyisgood SML / SML.20121114.IPH5 / #ccby #smlphotography #smlforms #smlbw #smlprojects