See-ming Lee (SML): 牛魂陣 Bovine Soul Array / 苗族文化 Culture of the Miao minorities / 中國海南三亞 Sanya, Hainan, China / SML.20140507.6D.32199.P1.BW
See-ming Lee (SML): 頤和園古樹涼亭 Ancient trees + gazebo, Summer Palace / 中國北京 Beijing, China / SML.20140502.6D.31710.P1
See-ming Lee (SML): 聖索菲亞教堂 Saint Sophia Cathedral in Harbin / 中国黑龙江哈尔滨 Harbin, Heilongjiang, China / SML.20140728.6D.33452.P2
See-ming Lee (SML): “雲屯霧集” / 寧 Serenity / 山東省泰山 Mount Tai, Shandong Province 山东省泰山 / 中國旅遊 中国旅游 China Tourism / SML.20121011.7D.09634.ChinaTourism.CN.Shandong.MountTai.Serenity
See-ming Lee (SML): 香港尖沙咀海濱長廊維多利亞港全景 Victoria Harbour Panorama from Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, Hong Kong / SML.20130808.6D.25746-SML.20130808.6D.25757-Pano.i12.360x95
See-ming Lee (SML): 保和殿 Hall of Preserving Harmony / 中國北京故宫 Forbidden City, Beijing, China / SML.20140430.6D.31455.P2.BW
See-ming Lee (SML): 太和殿 Hall of Supreme Harmony / 中國北京紫禁城 Forbidden City, Beijing, China / SML.20140430.6D.31410.P1.BW
See-ming Lee (SML): Love birds / 中國北京故宫 Forbidden City, Beijing, China / SML.20140430.7D.51995.P1
See-ming Lee (SML): 中國 中国 China: 大明湖過馬路 Street crossing at Daming Lake / 人流 Human Logistics / SML.20121011.G12.00744
See-ming Lee (SML): 長白山西坡 Western Slope, Chang Bai Mountain (Changbaishan) / 中國東北 Dongbei, China / SML.20140725.6D.33117-SML.20140725.6D.33126-Pano.i10.C.68.08x29.10(-7.32).P1
See-ming Lee (SML): 居庸關長城 Juyong Guan, Great Wall (Panorama) / 中國北京 Beijing, China / SML.20140501.7D.52000-SML.20140501.7D.52008-Pano.i9.C.P1.SQ.BW
See-ming Lee (SML): 鳥巢北京國家體育場 Bird’s Nest Beijing National Stadium (Panorama) / 中國北京體育建築之形 Sports architecture forms in Beijing, China / SML.20140502.6D.31746-SML.20140502.6D.31767-Pano.i22.C.360.00x79.32.P1
See-ming Lee (SML): Rainbow Boats / 中國東北吉林市北山公園 Jilin Beishan Park, Dongbei, China / SML.20140727.7D.52140-SML.20140727.7D.52151-Pano.i12.P.11.71x4.05(6.90)
See-ming Lee (SML): 水立方北京國家游泳中心 The Water Cube, Beijing National Aquatics Center / 中國北京體育建築之形 Sports architecture forms in Beijing, China / SML.20140502.6D.31821.P1.BW
See-ming Lee (SML): 圓山大飯店牌坊 The Grand Hotel / 台灣台北 Taipei, Taiwan / SML.20140213.6D.30719.P1 — Explored
See-ming Lee (SML): 太和殿 Hall of Supreme Harmony / 中國北京紫禁城 Forbidden City, Beijing, China / SML.20140430.6D.31415.P1
See-ming Lee (SML): 中正紀念堂 Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall / 台灣台北 Taipei, Taiwan / SML.20140213.6D.30749.P1
See-ming Lee (SML): 艱苦的生活 Hard life / 中國北京南鑼鼓巷 Nanluoguxiang, Beijing, China / SML.20140503.6D.31995.P1.SQ.BW
See-ming Lee (SML): Old Man + Phone (Asian Squat) / 中國東北吉林市北山公園 Jilin Beishan Park, Dongbei, China / SML.20140727.7D.52174
See-ming Lee (SML): 鸟巢 Bird’s Nest (National Stadium) / 中國北京體育建築之形 Sports architecture forms in Beijing, China / SML.20140502.6D.31732.P1.BW
See-ming Lee (SML): 後海 Houhai Lake / 中國北京 Beijing, China / SML.20140503.6D.31939-SML.20140503.6D.31953-Pano.i15.C.169.12x59.84(2.58).P1
See-ming Lee (SML): 胡同三輪車 Hutong rickshaw ride / 中國北京 Beijing, China / SML.20140503.6D.31918.P1.BW
See-ming Lee (SML): 四合院的轉變 The transformation of siheyuans (historic residence) / 中國北京 Beijing, China / SML.20140503.6D.31961.P1
See-ming Lee (SML): 水立方北京國家游泳中心全景 The Water Cube, Beijing National Aquatics Center (Panorama) / 中國北京體育建築之形 Sports architecture forms in Beijing, China / SML.20140502.6D.31824-SML.20140502.6D.31839-Pano.i16.C.219.20x74.48(2.56).P1
See-ming Lee (SML): 奥林匹克公园瞭望塔 Olympic Park Observation Tower / 中國北京建築之形 Architecture forms in Beijing, China / SML.20140502.7D.52026.P1
See-ming Lee (SML): 太和殿全景 Hall of Supreme Harmony (Panorama) / 中國北京故宫 Forbidden City, Beijing, China / SML.20140430.6D.31390-SML.20140430.6D.31406-Pano.i17.C.132.63x45.69.P1
See-ming Lee (SML): 鸟巢紅椅 Red chairs inside the Bird’s Nest (National Stadium) / 中國北京體育建築之形 Sports architecture forms in Beijing, China / SML.20140502.7D.52037.P1
See-ming Lee (SML): 吹泡泡 Blowing Bubbles / 中国黑龙江哈尔滨斯大林公园 Sidalin Park, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China / SML.20140728.6D.33422.P1.SQ.BW
See-ming Lee (SML): 煮食 Cooking / 黎苗少數民族文化 Culture of the Li and Miao minorities / 中國海南三亞 Sanya, Hainan, China / SML.20140506.6D.32025.P1.BW
See-ming Lee (SML): Chinese hard candies / 中國北京南鑼鼓巷 Nanluoguxiang, Beijing, China / SML.20140503.6D.31982.P1