See-ming Lee (SML): “新港城中心 Sunshine City Plaza” / 香港商場建築之形 Hong Kong Shopping Malls Architecture Forms / SML.20130320.EOSM.03531.BW
See-ming Lee (SML): “中環置地廣場 The Landmark, Central” / 香港商場建築全景攝影 Hong Kong Shopping Malls Architecture Panoramic Photography / SML.20130315.EOSM.03305-SML.20130315.EOSM.03313-Pano.Cylindrical.156x68.5
See-ming Lee (SML): “君臨天下 The Harbourside + 環球貿易廣場 International Commerce Centre (ICC) + 香港麗思卡爾頓酒店 Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong” / 香港建築高動態範圍攝影 Hong Kong Architecture HDR Photography / SML.20121109.7D.16206_7_8.HDR
See-ming Lee (SML): “金黃反影之形 Reflected Golden Yellow Forms” / 香港尖沙咀商場建築之形 Shopping Malls Forms in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong / SML.20130227.EOSM.02708.L1
See-ming Lee (SML): “青棚曲流綠茵林 Blue awning flowing in curves against green plants” / 香港園林建築之形 Hong Kong Landscape Architecture Forms / SML.20130211.7D.22728.P1.L1
See-ming Lee (SML): “三角形交響樂 Symphonic Triangles No. 3” / 商場建築之形 Shopping Malls Architecture Forms / SML.20130219.7D.23216.P1.L1
See-ming Lee (SML): “無題 Untitled” / 商場建築之形 Shopping Malls Architecture Forms / SML.20130218.EOSM.02337.P1.L1
See-ming Lee (SML): “線上遊 The lines which lead the eye” / 商場人流建築之形 Shopping Malls Human Logistics Architecture Forms / SML.20130218.EOSM.02313.P1.L1
See-ming Lee (SML): “城市夜之形 Urban Night Forms” / 香港中環商場建築與人流之形 Shopping Malls and Human logistics Forms in Central, Hong Kong / SML.20130209.7D.21684.P1
See-ming Lee (SML): “色形線對比的平衡 Balance of contrasts in forms, colors and lines” / 形 Forms / SML.20130201.7D.20894.P1
See-ming Lee (SML): “形之界 Form Division” #abstract / 形 Forms / SML.20130201.7D.20873
See-ming Lee (SML): “Happiness is an inside job” by Olek / pano-002-SML.20121218.7D.19984-SML.20121218.7D.19989
See-ming Lee (SML): “Happiness is an inside job” by Olek / pano-003-SML.20121218.7D.19808-SML.20121218.7D.19821
See-ming Lee (SML): “Happiness is an inside job” by Olek / pano-001-SML.20121218.7D.19796-SML.20121218.7D.19805
See-ming Lee (SML): Olek + Crocheted “Pet” / SML.20121109.7D.15996
See-ming Lee (SML): 商場 Shopping Malls / SML.20120922.G12.00389
See-ming Lee (SML): 商場 Shopping Malls / SML.20120922.G12.00388
See-ming Lee (SML): 人流 Human Logistics / SML.20120913.184230.IP3