See-ming Lee (SML):
日落雲影 Sunset Cloudscape (6-minute long exposure via time-lapse median stack of 36) / 寧 Serenity / SML.20130706.6D.18412-SML.20130706.6D.18447-ST-Median
See-ming Lee (SML):
日出雲影 Sunrise Cloudscape (60-sec long exposure) / 寧 Serenity / SML.20140715.6D.32930.P1
See-ming Lee (SML):
“暴雨停 帆起航” / 香港吐露港日落之寧 Hong Kong Tolo Harbour Sunset Serenity / SML.20130516.6D.06572.P1.L1.BW
See-ming Lee (SML):
“孤舟獨航 Sailing (CUHK WSC)” / 香港水上體育運動之形 Hong Kong Water Sports Forms / SML.20130507.7D.41086
See-ming Lee (SML):
“藍空掛白月 雲澌獨自寧” / 寧 Serenity / SML.20130222.7D.24506
See-ming Lee (SML):
“紅夢尋” / 夜之寧 Serenity at night / SML.20130206.EOSM.01653.P1.SQ
See-ming Lee (SML):
“海中島” / 寧 Serenity / SML.20130204.7D.21254.P1
See-ming Lee (SML):
“日落西山雲海觀 日落西山云海观 Sunset Cloudscape” #landscape / 寧 Serenity / SML.20130121.7D.20684.C23.P1
See-ming Lee (SML):
“雲屯霧集” / 寧 Serenity / 山東省泰山 Mount Tai, Shandong Province 山东省泰山 / 中國旅遊 中国旅游 China Tourism / SML.20121011.7D.09634.ChinaTourism.CN.Shandong.MountTai.Serenity
See-ming Lee (SML):
水 Water / 自然抽象之形 Nature Abstract Forms / 寧 Serenity / SML.20130526.6D.15016.P1.BW
See-ming Lee (SML):
風暴雲光 God rays during the storm / 寧 Serenity / SML.20130825.6D.26876.BW
See-ming Lee (SML):
黃昏雲霞 Sunset Cloudscape / 寧 Serenity / SML.20130827.6D.26923-SML.20130827.6D.26930-Pano.i8.58x38
See-ming Lee (SML):
綠茵林 Green Forest / 香港馬鞍山遊樂場360度全景 Hong Kong Ma On Shan Recreation Ground 360-degree Panorama / 夜之寧 Night Serenity / SML.20130823.6D.26855-SML.20130823.6D.26867-Pano.i12.360x93
See-ming Lee (SML):
如上以下 As above, so below / 香港沙田城門河 之寧 Hong Kong Shatin Shing Mun River Serenity (HDR Timelapse) / SML.20130807.6D.25087-SML.20130807.6D.25677-HDR-PPTM-TL
See-ming Lee (SML):
Ode to Klimt / 自然抽象之形 Nature Abstract Forms / 香港城門河之寧 Hong Kong Shing Mun River Serenity / SML.20130809.7D.49564
See-ming Lee (SML):
烏溪沙 Wu Kai Sha / 香港日落全景之寧 Hong Kong Sunset HDR Panoramic Serenity / SML.20130809.6D.26354-SML.20130809.6D.26392-Pano.i36.360x95.HDR
See-ming Lee (SML):
藍天白雲棉 Puffy clouds in blue sky / 香港夏日全景之寧 Hong Kong Summer Panoramic Serenity / SML.20130806.6D.25010-SML.20130806.6D.25027-Pano.i18.61x12
See-ming Lee (SML):
風暴 Storm / 香港吐露港之寧 Hong Kong Tolo Harbour Serenity HDR / SML.20130726.6D.24188-89-90.HDR.P1.L1.BW
See-ming Lee (SML):
黃昏雲影 Evening Cloudscape / 香港日落全景之寧 Hong Kong Sunset Panoramic Serenity / SML.20130706.7D.43781-SML.20130706.7D.43784-Pano.i4.9x2.L1.P1
See-ming Lee (SML):
風起雲湧 變幻萬千 Everchanging Cloudscape / 寧 Serenity 延時攝影 Time Lapse Photography / SML.20130706.6D.18062-SML.20130706.6D.18889-TL
See-ming Lee (SML):
靜夏 Quiet summer / 香港日落全景之寧 Hong Kong Sunset Panoramic Serenity / SML.20130704.7D.43437-SML.20130704.7D.43449-Pano.i13.12x4
See-ming Lee (SML):
日落山雲觀 Sunset cloudscape / 香港中文大學全景之寧 Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Panoramic Serenity / SML.20130607.6D.05426-SML.20130607.6D.05430-Pano.i5.131x94.SQ.BW
See-ming Lee (SML):
盈凸月 Waxing Gibbous Moon / 香港夜之寧 Hong Kong Night Serenity / SML.20130620.7D.42930.SQ.BW
See-ming Lee (SML):
山河怒雲天 / 香港中文大學日落之寧 Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Sunset Serenity / SML.20130529.6D.15289.BW
See-ming Lee (SML):
千層雲匯 / 香港日落全景之寧 Hong Kong Sunset Panoramic Serenity / SML.20130617.6D.16226-SML.20130617.6D.16245-Pano.i20.43x16.BW
See-ming Lee (SML):
“白雲如棉挺山青 水映黃昏藍天明” / 香港中文大學全景之寧 Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Panoramic Serenity / SML.20130529.6D.15293-SML.20130529.6D.15298-Pano.Planar.98x64
See-ming Lee (SML):
“夜照金空” / 香港中文大學夜之寧 Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Night Serenity (1806-sec / 30-min LE) / SML.20130520.6D.06972
See-ming Lee (SML):
“静物微風中 Still life amidst the breeze” / 香港馬鞍山海濱長廊之寧 Hong Kong Ma On Shan Promenade Serenity (8-sec ND LE) / ML.20130519.6D.06945.SQ
See-ming Lee (SML):
“自然抽象之形: 白浪如雪山 Nature Abstract Forms: Waves as snowy mountains” / 香港吐露港之寧 Hong Kong Tolo Harbour Serenity (11-sec ND LE) / SML.20130519.6D.06942.P1.L1
See-ming Lee (SML):
“龍窩雲海藏電纜” / 香港九肚山之寧 Hong Kong Kau To Shan Serenity (19-sec ND LE) / SML.20130519.6D.06935.P1.L1.BW