See-ming Lee (SML): 日出雲影 Sunrise Cloudscape (60-sec long exposure) / 寧 Serenity / SML.20140715.6D.32930.P1
See-ming Lee (SML): 如上以下 As above, so below / 香港沙田城門河 之寧 Hong Kong Shatin Shing Mun River Serenity (HDR Timelapse) / SML.20130807.6D.25087-SML.20130807.6D.25677-HDR-PPTM-TL
See-ming Lee (SML): 香港尖沙咀海濱長廊維多利亞港全景 Victoria Harbour Panorama from Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, Hong Kong / SML.20130808.6D.25746-SML.20130808.6D.25757-Pano.i12.360x95
See-ming Lee (SML): 香港中環 Hong Kong Central / 人流 Human Logistics 延時攝影 Time Lapse Photography / SML.20130717.6D.20604-SML.20130717.6D.21490-TL
See-ming Lee (SML): “Aerial timelapse setup” / SML.20130314.IP3.09791
See-ming Lee (SML): “Serenity time-lapse work still in progress 2 hours later” / SML.20130308.IP3.09690
See-ming Lee (SML): See-ming Lee / 20080103.10D.46774 / SML
See-ming Lee (SML): SML Denon DJ Set in Ruins / 20090914.10D.53842.BW / SML
See-ming Lee (SML): Bert and Ernie: Life is great when you're next to me / 20090917.10D.53973.P1 / SML
See-ming Lee (SML): Bert and Ernie: I'm king of the world! / 20090917.10D.53979.P1.SQ / SML
See-ming Lee (SML): Lines in Space / 20090914.10D.53893.P1.BW / SML
See-ming Lee (SML): See-ming Lee / 20080105.10D.46902 / SML
See-ming Lee (SML): See-ming Lee / 20080103.10D.46773 / SML
See-ming Lee (SML): 日落雲影 Sunset Cloudscape (6-minute long exposure via time-lapse median stack of 36) / 寧 Serenity / SML.20130706.6D.18412-SML.20130706.6D.18447-ST-Median
See-ming Lee (SML): “春夜霧朦朧 紫空燦金輝” / 香港中文大學夜之寧 Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Night Serenity (60-sec LE) / SML.20130513.6D.06547
See-ming Lee (SML): 如上以下 As above, so below / 香港沙田城門河之寧 Hong Kong Shatin Shing Mun River Serenity (BW HDR) / SML.20130807.6D.25123-24-25.HDR.BW
See-ming Lee (SML): “仲夏夜深流金夢” / 香港吐露港夜之寧 Hong Kong Tolo Harbour Night Serenity (903-sec LE) / SML.20130520.6D.06967
See-ming Lee (SML): “日落雲錦 水靜山寧” / 香港全景之寧 Hong Kong Panoramic Serenity / SML.20130402.7D.37445-SML.20130402.7D.37452-Pano.Rectilinear.76x50.P1.L1
See-ming Lee (SML): 交易廣場巴士總站 Exchange Square Bus Terminal / 香港中環人流全景 Hong Kong Central Human Logistics Panorama / SML.20130717.6D.21492-SML.20130717.6D.21506-Pano.i15.360x95.Cylindrical.BW
See-ming Lee (SML): Bert and Ernie: Let me tell you a secret / 20090917.10D.53994.P1 / SML
See-ming Lee (SML): “假山流水 Water flowing amongst rockery” / 寧 Serenity (Long exposure with ND Filter) / SML.20130410.7D.37680.BW — Explored
See-ming Lee (SML): X / 20090905.10D.53331-2-3.PS.HDR.RGB16 / SML
See-ming Lee (SML): What I never see… / SML in Motion / SML Me (See-ming Lee 李思明) / SML.20130723.6D.21584.L1
See-ming Lee (SML): “龍窩雲海藏電纜” / 香港九肚山之寧 Hong Kong Kau To Shan Serenity (19-sec ND LE) / SML.20130519.6D.06935.P1.L1.BW
See-ming Lee (SML): Big Hair SML / 20080106.10D.46967 / SML
See-ming Lee (SML): 盈凸月 Waxing Gibbous Moon / 香港夜之寧 Hong Kong Night Serenity / SML.20130620.7D.42930.SQ.BW
See-ming Lee (SML): 港鐵紅磡站 Hung Hom MTR Station / 香港人流建築全景 Hong Kong Human Logistics Architecture Panorama / SML.20130730.6D.24926-SML.20130730.6D.24937-Pano.i12.360x96.Spherical
See-ming Lee (SML): 風起雲湧 變幻萬千 Everchanging Cloudscape / 寧 Serenity 延時攝影 Time Lapse Photography / SML.20130706.6D.18062-SML.20130706.6D.18889-TL
See-ming Lee (SML): Bert and Ernie: Getting Trashed on Pinot Noir / 20090917.10D.53958.SQ / SML
See-ming Lee (SML): “自然抽象之形: 白浪如雪山 Nature Abstract Forms: Waves as snowy mountains” / 香港吐露港之寧 Hong Kong Tolo Harbour Serenity (11-sec ND LE) / SML.20130519.6D.06942.P1.L1