theseeleyg: As usual, we are here to help!
theseeleyg: Kelvin is a thorough researcher and a great presenter!
theseeleyg: He also has a fantastic sense of humor.
theseeleyg: Kelvin helped Professor Del Toro laser print signs for LU's pollinator project areas.
theseeleyg: Angela, our resident makerspace guru, oversaw Kelvin's work this summer.
theseeleyg: Folks from biology, physics, development, art, and instructional technology were eager to think about ways in which to incorporate the makerspace into their work and instruction.
theseeleyg: Rapt attention!
theseeleyg: Some of the cool and interesting creations Kelvin brought to life. Can you recognize the LU pride?
theseeleyg: Donuts!
theseeleyg: Donut tell us that cereal doesn't belong on donuts.
theseeleyg: Freshly made coffee, NOT courtesy of the makerspace.