theseeleyg: Preparing for the potluck!
theseeleyg: A yummy pear salad in the works.
theseeleyg: IT and Library Staff gathered outside on a lovely day!
theseeleyg: So much food!
theseeleyg: It's a well-known fact that we are excellent cooks!
theseeleyg: Discussing recipes, no doubt.
theseeleyg: Lovely humans, lovely day!
theseeleyg: Food and fellowship in honor of our colleagues.
theseeleyg: So much love for Erin and Ben!
theseeleyg: Admiring the cake.
theseeleyg: Admiring Erin.
theseeleyg: Luckily we have other great people here to soften the loss of Erin and Ben.
theseeleyg: We tend to have a lot of desserts at our gatherings.
theseeleyg: We also tend to have a lot of really healthy and yummy food, too.
theseeleyg: Setting it all up.
theseeleyg: Library and IT people really know how to party.
theseeleyg: The cake! It was soooo gooooood.
theseeleyg: Erin and Ben are truly the best.
theseeleyg: Cutting the cake.
theseeleyg: Erin and Ben got married a few years ago, and we love this picture of them!
theseeleyg: We sure will miss this #LUpowercouple.