@backctrl: 100_0026_2
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@backctrl: 100_0028_2
@backctrl: IMG_0916
@backctrl: IMG_0919 Looking at the view, Lenny and Vanessa
@backctrl: 100_0060_2 Offi Creek Camp toilets
@backctrl: DSCN2164 A strange creature we found, with little feet and head!
@backctrl: DSCN2168 Jason and Vanessa crossing Brown River
@backctrl: IMG_0040 Bernie and Vanessa at Ladavi Saddle
@backctrl: IMG_0042_1 All ready to go again
@backctrl: IMG_0928 Warren, Sues porter unpacking the pack.
@backctrl: IMG_0935 Snack time on the track, just after crossing the Vabuyavi River after Menari
@backctrl: 100_0093_2
@backctrl: IMG_0064 Mission Ridge, looking at Efogi 1
@backctrl: DSCN2185 Dominc and Noxy Edit
@backctrl: 100_0121_2
@backctrl: DSCN2215
@backctrl: IMG_0025 Sue and Vanessa at Naduri village
@backctrl: DSCN2217 Sue
@backctrl: IMG_0974 Looking through the mist on the hill just after Naduri. We are at about 2000 feet.
@backctrl: IMG_0976 Happy hikers!
@backctrl: IMG_0044
@backctrl: IMG_1010 Di's bruises
@backctrl: IMG_1011 Lenny's war wounds
@backctrl: IMG_1012 My leg after I smashed by veiny leg into a tree trunk
@backctrl: IMG_0074 Playing chess with Peter at Templetons Crossing 2
@backctrl: 100_0189_2
@backctrl: DSCN2257 Jason, Sue and Vanessa during a rest stop
@backctrl: 100_0202_2
@backctrl: 100_0214_2