seeit_snapit: moving through the airport
seeit_snapit: Manager's special
seeit_snapit: beach fence on white sand
seeit_snapit: Happy fence Father's day Sunday
seeit_snapit: Sea, sand and sky - Gulf Shores, Alabama
seeit_snapit: ocean waves and breezes
seeit_snapit: watching the waves
seeit_snapit: Looking for little fishies
seeit_snapit: Wings up
seeit_snapit: How about a nice refreshing beverage?
seeit_snapit: crazy cat clock
seeit_snapit: closed until tomorrow
seeit_snapit: heron by the sea
seeit_snapit: 800 feet up in the air - Para-sailing view 1b
seeit_snapit: self portrait
seeit_snapit: How much is that giraffe? in the window