andrea dunlap: 20090927-IMG_2464
andrea dunlap: Kathy Nichols waits for the water to boil to blanch tomatoes
andrea dunlap: after they've been in boiling water they go in an ice water bath
andrea dunlap: now they are easy to peel
andrea dunlap: pulling them out of boiling water
andrea dunlap: splitting skins in boiling water
andrea dunlap: the washing/coring part of the operation
andrea dunlap: a few tomatoes
andrea dunlap: these turned out to be too low-acid to can
andrea dunlap: this is why it's called Community Canning
andrea dunlap: bird's eye view of the boiling water
andrea dunlap: clockwise from left: coring, chilling, peeled and peeling
andrea dunlap: lunch! Quesadilla with fresh tomato, hot sauce
andrea dunlap: lunch was really good and really simple
andrea dunlap: boiling water baths for jars, lids, and the tomatoes pre-cooking
andrea dunlap: Wayne's side operation: freezing corn for winter
andrea dunlap: drop in boiling water 2 minutes, drop in cold water
andrea dunlap: remove kernels
andrea dunlap: Wayne returns to corn after having lifted something heavy
andrea dunlap: chop chop
andrea dunlap: tip: cut off the kernels lazily, then run the back of the knife over the cob
andrea dunlap: Wayne has a corny friend
andrea dunlap: when canning it's pretty sweet having an industrial dishwasher
andrea dunlap: where it's at
andrea dunlap: Oaxacan green corn, ready to be made into green cornmeal
andrea dunlap: lovely Oaxacan green corn kernels, dry