andrea dunlap: the scene
andrea dunlap: yes, Kate, you're gorgeous
andrea dunlap: 'twas windy indeed
andrea dunlap: DSC00029.JPG
andrea dunlap: sweet
andrea dunlap: the mess the wind made
andrea dunlap: DSC00034.JPG
andrea dunlap: DSC00035.JPG
andrea dunlap: Mt. Adams looks unreal, no?
andrea dunlap: Mt. Adams
andrea dunlap: general mayhem
andrea dunlap: she ponders
andrea dunlap: introspective wedding guest
andrea dunlap: that hand! like a rooster comb
andrea dunlap: oh we love it
andrea dunlap: why dance when you can sit back?
andrea dunlap: and the hand?
andrea dunlap: keep dancing
andrea dunlap: but it's so real
andrea dunlap: pre-dancing
andrea dunlap: IMG_2084.JPG
andrea dunlap: she keeps going!
andrea dunlap: Oh! Kate!
andrea dunlap: Kate and Gail
andrea dunlap: yas'm
andrea dunlap: pretty zoe
andrea dunlap: too much fun