andrea dunlap:
andrea dunlap:
andrea dunlap:
Passed out after the planting
andrea dunlap:
Pelayo showing me how to plow
andrea dunlap:
Pelayo smoothing the soil
andrea dunlap:
Pelayo took this picture
andrea dunlap:
Pelayo took this picture
andrea dunlap:
Pelayo Huamani's family, Berta, young Pelayo, and baby
andrea dunlap:
Pelayo Huamani's family
andrea dunlap:
Strapping the bulls to the yoke
andrea dunlap:
Strapping the bulls to the yoke
andrea dunlap:
Adding paper flowers
andrea dunlap:
plowman with view of apu and andenes
andrea dunlap:
Serving chicha (fermented corn drink)
andrea dunlap:
Food break
andrea dunlap:
The dueños of the field
andrea dunlap:
the bulls
andrea dunlap:
Plowing an anden, planting corn
andrea dunlap:
andrea dunlap:
andrea dunlap:
planting in ccenta
andrea dunlap:
re-sowing in a field of frost-damaged corn
andrea dunlap:
woman and frost-damaged corn
andrea dunlap:
re-sowing frost damaged corn
andrea dunlap:
hiding from the rain
andrea dunlap:
taking a break while it rains
andrea dunlap:
salud mamacita
andrea dunlap:
seeds in the soil
andrea dunlap:
andrea dunlap: