andrea dunlap:
Hole in the wall
andrea dunlap:
an old-style drinking jug with a grass stopper
andrea dunlap:
finishing the wall
andrea dunlap:
Hannah with the wall crew
andrea dunlap:
finished wall
andrea dunlap:
finishing touches on wall repair
andrea dunlap:
finishing touches on the wall repair
andrea dunlap:
Wall repair crew
andrea dunlap:
Wall repair crew
andrea dunlap:
Wall repair crew
andrea dunlap:
Men walking along a wall, looking for holes
andrea dunlap:
time out for liquor
andrea dunlap:
Wall repair crew
andrea dunlap:
Pelayo about to salute the apu
andrea dunlap:
andrea dunlap:
A recently repaired anden wall
andrea dunlap:
Some very pretty andenes
andrea dunlap:
The wall after repair
andrea dunlap:
Fixing and anden wall
andrea dunlap:
Fixing up an anden wall
andrea dunlap:
Canal building
andrea dunlap:
Canal builders: Chino and Rudy
andrea dunlap:
Planting a seed bed
andrea dunlap:
raking the lumps out
andrea dunlap:
first pass at the grama breakup
andrea dunlap:
taking a rain break
andrea dunlap:
Grama breakup
andrea dunlap:
Grama breakup
andrea dunlap:
burning cactus at the side of the field
andrea dunlap:
burning cactus at the side of the field