Rosarian49: Leading the pack
Rosarian49: An iris that defies winter
Rosarian49: Double-flowered snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis 'Flore Pleno')
Rosarian49: Crocus
Rosarian49: White Crocus
Rosarian49: White Crocus with blue streak
Rosarian49: Hellebores in the morning light
Rosarian49: Helleborus hybridus
Rosarian49: Helleborus hybridus
Rosarian49: Helleborus hybridus
Rosarian49: A slatecoloured hellebore
Rosarian49: Helleborus hybridus
Rosarian49: Camellia 'Lavinia Maggi' at dusk
Rosarian49: Erythronium 'Pagoda'
Rosarian49: Oriental poppy
Rosarian49: Oriental poppy
Rosarian49: An old woody peony
Rosarian49: Geranium phaeum
Rosarian49: Geranium 'Brookside'
Rosarian49: Campanula
Rosarian49: Show me your throat - Iris barbata intermedia
Rosarian49: Iris sibirica
Rosarian49: Villa Taranto, Lago Maggiore, Italy
Rosarian49: Hadspen Gardens, Somerset, England
Rosarian49: Fireworks
Rosarian49: Hemerocallis with Marmalade fly
Rosarian49: Gladiolus communis var. byzantinus
Rosarian49: Clematis integrifolia
Rosarian49: Clematis integrifolia Durandii
Rosarian49: Ageing beauty - Hydrangea macrophylla 'Le Cygne'