undergcore: king of the north
undergcore: Silentium
undergcore: Give in to temptation
undergcore: Place forgotten by the gods
undergcore: death wish
undergcore: tenebris
undergcore: Agony
undergcore: red cardinali
undergcore: go back to hell
undergcore: thirst
undergcore: Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.
undergcore: Play with me
undergcore: Orationis
undergcore: Rahon
undergcore: let's start this game
undergcore: I could not satisfy your needs princess, but your beautiful body can satisfy mine
undergcore: Deity
undergcore: fly away on the wings of the wind to your native land
undergcore: Your train seems to be delayed
undergcore: " For you I will destroy everything they have created over the centuries, for you I will destroy the entire human race "
undergcore: purgatory of souls
undergcore: when the soul grieves deadly - you want to be silent and cry
undergcore: Happy Valentine's Day.
undergcore: fading flower
undergcore: since we're alone here, I'm willing to listen to you
undergcore: relaxation
undergcore: your reward awaits in hell, come back.
undergcore: me tangere