gsebenste: Going away shot of the NS heritage units
gsebenste: And here come two more heritage units!
gsebenste: Nippon bodies for METRA
gsebenste: Tonight's 471
gsebenste: The 470 finally gets to move
gsebenste: Back to Genoa...again
gsebenste: We are Ore-gone!
gsebenste: I'm on the hiiiiighway from Hell
gsebenste: NS heritage units!
gsebenste: 470 waiting on the 273 at Davis Junction
gsebenste: 273 at Irene Road
gsebenste: 272 and 273 meet in Genoa
gsebenste: And here comes the 272
gsebenste: Towering cumulus
gsebenste: Welcome the 273
gsebenste: We start the day in a cowl mood