Sebastian-: 3rd harmonic Steven
Sebastian-: Detail Steven
Sebastian-: 2nd harmonic Glory
Sebastian-: Curveball
Sebastian-: Center of mass 2
Sebastian-: Symmetry of Motion
Sebastian-: Exploratorium exhibit1
Sebastian-: Exploratorium baseball4
Sebastian-: Center of Mass 4
Sebastian-: Exploratorium Vibrations of a string - 2nd Harmonic
Sebastian-: Exploratorium exhibit2
Sebastian-: Freefall
Sebastian-: cylinder on ramp
Sebastian-: yo-yo
Sebastian-: cartwheel
Sebastian-: bench
Sebastian-: hyperbolicslot
Sebastian-: Tossing a rotating light stick
Sebastian-: IMG_3578
Sebastian-: DIY Spirograph
Sebastian-: Spirograph
Sebastian-: IMG_3593
Sebastian-: caterpillar motion
Sebastian-: wheel
Sebastian-: shot vs drop
Sebastian-: Noel doing light traces
Sebastian-: Noel doing Light Traces again
Sebastian-: Yo-Yo Champ