the kelp knot: tulipifera
the kelp knot: liriodendron
the kelp knot: .lirio.den.dron.
the kelp knot: plasticity
the kelp knot: sheddings of the tulip tree
the kelp knot: liriodendron sunset
the kelp knot: a magnolia
the kelp knot: magnoliaaaah
the kelp knot: magnolia madness
the kelp knot: hi, tree.
the kelp knot: branches of tulips
the kelp knot: the tulip part of the Tulip Tree
the kelp knot: little liriodendron leaf
the kelp knot: proper posture
the kelp knot: samaras
the kelp knot: saucer magnolia buds
the kelp knot: how big her flowers are
the kelp knot: leaves from Florida
the kelp knot: flowers from Florida
the kelp knot: when I was a wee leaf...
the kelp knot: wee trees
the kelp knot: .tulip tree crush.
the kelp knot: inner light
the kelp knot: bursting hearts
the kelp knot: lirio lean
the kelp knot: lure of the Liriodendron
the kelp knot: to bend and not break
the kelp knot: magnoliaaaaaah