the kelp knot: Strongylocentrotus purpuratus - juvenile
the kelp knot: Evasterias troschelii
the kelp knot: Henricia leviuscula
the kelp knot: Dermasterias imbricata
the kelp knot: Ophiopholis aculeata
the kelp knot: Arctonoe vittata
the kelp knot: moment to shine
the kelp knot: pisasterlicious
the kelp knot: When I wish upon a star...
the kelp knot: Sunflower in the grass...
the kelp knot: Pisaster love
the kelp knot: Henricia leviuscula
the kelp knot: Pesonally, I think turtlenecks are making a comeback!
the kelp knot: Henricia in a pink sweater
the kelp knot: tube feet
the kelp knot: cool as cuke
the kelp knot: Arbacia punctulata - purple sea urchin
the kelp knot: changes in latitude
the kelp knot: Henricia sanguinolenta
the kelp knot: pisaster et al.