desert11sailor: The Shubenacadie River and Bay of Fundy
desert11sailor: Low tide
desert11sailor: High tide
desert11sailor: Low tide
desert11sailor: Low tide panorama
desert11sailor: Scoured by the tide
desert11sailor: East bank of the Shubenacadie
desert11sailor: Sunrise on the Shubenacadie
desert11sailor: Sunrise II
desert11sailor: Bridge and observation point
desert11sailor: Old pilings
desert11sailor: Looking upriver
desert11sailor: Remnants of the old bridge
desert11sailor: New highway bridge
desert11sailor: Moonshot
desert11sailor: Spidey at work
desert11sailor: Alan and Dana, rafting by
desert11sailor: Burntcoat Head Provincial Park
desert11sailor: Reading up
desert11sailor: Tide explained
desert11sailor: Lowish tide
desert11sailor: Worked by water
desert11sailor: Burntcoat panorama