desert11sailor: The Cape Cod Canal map
desert11sailor: From the air, looking north
desert11sailor: The facts in the case
desert11sailor: Vertical lift RR bridge
desert11sailor: East tower
desert11sailor: Top of the west tower
desert11sailor: The west tower of the RR bridge
desert11sailor: The RR bridge story
desert11sailor: Looking up
desert11sailor: Tower construction
desert11sailor: Rivets, lots of rivets.
desert11sailor: X marks the spot
desert11sailor: Tracks headed east
desert11sailor: Definitely keep off
desert11sailor: Corps of Engineers
desert11sailor: The Bourne Bridge
desert11sailor: Looking up, Bourne Bridge
desert11sailor: Looking ahead.
desert11sailor: Transiting the canal
desert11sailor: Under the bridge
desert11sailor: Headed south
desert11sailor: The ketch Mamba
desert11sailor: Incoming
desert11sailor: View from the jetty
desert11sailor: Looking up the coast
desert11sailor: Al with camera
desert11sailor: Old braided steel cable
desert11sailor: Once attached to something