desert11sailor: The start of a new boat
desert11sailor: The lofting barn
desert11sailor: Dunn & Elliott
desert11sailor: The moulds in question
desert11sailor: Cleaning lady?
desert11sailor: Hand carving
desert11sailor: The moulding loft
desert11sailor: Story of a shipyard
desert11sailor: Half model of the schooner Cora F. Cressy
desert11sailor: Model of Wyoming
desert11sailor: Layout of the yard, or yards, back when
desert11sailor: Half model of Wyoming
desert11sailor: Art exhibit
desert11sailor: Divers at work on the wreck of the Maine, 1898
desert11sailor: See the next picture
desert11sailor: City of Bath
desert11sailor: Half hulls and models
desert11sailor: A cannon. Not new
desert11sailor: About that cannon...
desert11sailor: The steamer State of Maine
desert11sailor: The steamer Ransom B. Fuller
desert11sailor: 19th century steam yacht Eleanor
desert11sailor: Looking at the Kennebec River
desert11sailor: Interior of light house
desert11sailor: Sea chest
desert11sailor: View from a tugboat
desert11sailor: Steam engine explanation
desert11sailor: The steam engine in question
desert11sailor: Lots of moving parts
desert11sailor: Model of the America's Cup defender Columbia 1899