desert11sailor: Searching for...
desert11sailor: Cormorants and Gulls
desert11sailor: Foggy Day
desert11sailor: Old Garden Beach
desert11sailor: Pigeon Cove & Sandy Bay
desert11sailor: Gull, next door
desert11sailor: Working boat, inner harbor
desert11sailor: Getting ready to race
desert11sailor: Morning reflections
desert11sailor: Duck flotilla, Andrew's Point
desert11sailor: Halibut Point, sunset
desert11sailor: Sunset over Halibut Point
desert11sailor: After the race, coming back
desert11sailor: The hole in the chimney
desert11sailor: Crane Beach, Ipswich, MA
desert11sailor: Strandbeest crowd
desert11sailor: Gulls, looking seaward
desert11sailor: Best seat in the house.
desert11sailor: Strandbeest
desert11sailor: Infernal device
desert11sailor: Working boat, heading out
desert11sailor: Working boat in the fog
desert11sailor: Motif #1, foggy morning
desert11sailor: Bearskin Neck, deserted
desert11sailor: Seaweed, lots of seaweed
desert11sailor: Rockport harbor
desert11sailor: The Breakwater
desert11sailor: Breakwater II
desert11sailor: Foggy harbor, SE wind
desert11sailor: The old harbor