desert11sailor: The great vacation, Rockport, August, 2011
desert11sailor: Inspecting our quarters
desert11sailor: The rental
desert11sailor: View from the parking space
desert11sailor: Sound advice
desert11sailor: Jen and Zoe, end of Bearskin Neck
desert11sailor: A little windblown
desert11sailor: Pat, Bearskin Neck, some wind
desert11sailor: Lobster on the run
desert11sailor: Jenny, Zoe, and Pat on T Wharf
desert11sailor: For Carolyn
desert11sailor: Foggy day
desert11sailor: Over the water
desert11sailor: Inspecting the boats
desert11sailor: Seavey girls
desert11sailor: No water problems here
desert11sailor: Flowers in the rain
desert11sailor: Johanna in residence
desert11sailor: Sam the Grandson
desert11sailor: Brother Jim
desert11sailor: Rockport Harbor- foggy day
desert11sailor: Lobster boats
desert11sailor: No racing today
desert11sailor: The sailors in the crowd...
desert11sailor: In dreams I sail her...
desert11sailor: Ardelle stern
desert11sailor: The Pinky Ardelle
desert11sailor: Nice lines