desert11sailor: Boston Public Library
desert11sailor: Thinkers and doers
desert11sailor: Main stairs, McKim Building
desert11sailor: Video room
desert11sailor: Video Room, McKim Building
desert11sailor: Bates Hall
desert11sailor: Barrel vaulting, Bates Hall
desert11sailor: Bates Hall Clock
desert11sailor: Building site
desert11sailor: Print shop
desert11sailor: Copper plate printing press
desert11sailor: Books, lots of books
desert11sailor: Upper level hall
desert11sailor: Nice to see Humboldt get recognition
desert11sailor: Map of Boston
desert11sailor: Book stacks and reading, Johnson Building
desert11sailor: Books in Spanish
desert11sailor: Lobby of the Johnson building
desert11sailor: Maze (?) in the children's room
desert11sailor: French language material
desert11sailor: Children's room
desert11sailor: Page of 1495 manuscript on display
desert11sailor: Lobby of the Johnson Building
desert11sailor: Johnson on the left, McKim in the distance
desert11sailor: Junction of the McKim and Johnson buildings
desert11sailor: McKim Building
desert11sailor: Printers mark
desert11sailor: Francis A. Walker
desert11sailor: Naked lady in the snow
desert11sailor: Tile map in the Johnson Building