desert11sailor: Angell, Arizona
desert11sailor: Angell, upper left
desert11sailor: Big Train!
desert11sailor: Heading West
desert11sailor: Going...
desert11sailor: The bridge at mile marker 322.8
desert11sailor: Sean inspecting graffiti
desert11sailor: Railroad underpass
desert11sailor: 1923- built a RR bridge
desert11sailor: Graffiti from days gone by
desert11sailor: On the bum...
desert11sailor: Nice hat
desert11sailor: RIchard J. Blewitt, sketch artist
desert11sailor: Looks like the 20s to me
desert11sailor: Carl Sadler
desert11sailor: Carl was there in 1927
desert11sailor: Rudie Carrol
desert11sailor: Waiting out the rain
desert11sailor: Cloud drama seen from Angell
desert11sailor: Looking towards Flagstaff