desert11sailor: Foster the Dog
desert11sailor: Foster in the Truck
desert11sailor: Foster waiting, while I take cloud pictures
desert11sailor: Foster Sniffs Texas
desert11sailor: Foster the Dog
desert11sailor: Foster in the motel room, somewhere in Texas
desert11sailor: Foster the Dog and the Guy in the Garden
desert11sailor: Foster in the Rent-a-Truck
desert11sailor: Foster the Dog
desert11sailor: Foster the Dog and the Guy in the Garden
desert11sailor: Sam and Foster the Dog
desert11sailor: Phil, Johanna, and Foster the Dog
desert11sailor: Out of the Truck
desert11sailor: Last time in the yard, Columbia, MO
desert11sailor: Smells good, but oh the humidity....!
desert11sailor: Hmm, what trouble can I get into?
desert11sailor: What? I'm napping here!
desert11sailor: Lazy guys.
desert11sailor: What the...?!
desert11sailor: Given up on the dog.
desert11sailor: Truck is loaded, dog not cooperating
desert11sailor: Zoe the grandaughter and Foster the Dog
desert11sailor: What the heck is that?
desert11sailor: Zoe's transportation
desert11sailor: Foster, deeply suspicious
desert11sailor: Foster and water
desert11sailor: Foster and Jen
desert11sailor: Fosters coat
desert11sailor: Office assitant
desert11sailor: Running amok