desert11sailor: Last outdoor farmer's market, Santa Fe, November 3, 2007
desert11sailor: Tasty stuff!
desert11sailor: Backlit bears
desert11sailor: More bread
desert11sailor: Lots of carrots
desert11sailor: Carrot portrait
desert11sailor: All loaded up
desert11sailor: Bagging green things
desert11sailor: Caramel apples
desert11sailor: Market business
desert11sailor: Green stuff. Lots of green stuff
desert11sailor: Chiles and burros
desert11sailor: Red apples
desert11sailor: Tasty jam
desert11sailor: Lots of jam
desert11sailor: Chile mustard
desert11sailor: Folks starting to gather
desert11sailor: Herbs...
desert11sailor: Mugwort sticks
desert11sailor: Not sure what these are, but they looked neat
desert11sailor: Raspberry stuff
desert11sailor: Pumpkins
desert11sailor: Stadium seating
desert11sailor: Great smelling booth!
desert11sailor: Long hot bath anyone?
desert11sailor: Taking a break