desert11sailor: Zoe at a wedding
desert11sailor: Zoe and balloons
desert11sailor: Bill & Charley - Christmas 1961
desert11sailor: Johanna and Sam
desert11sailor: It All Fit! Yea Phil!
desert11sailor: Phil, Johanna, and Foster the Dog
desert11sailor: Truck is loaded
desert11sailor: Given up on the dog.
desert11sailor: Truck is loaded, dog not cooperating
desert11sailor: All that?
desert11sailor: Jim Glowers.
desert11sailor: Chaos ensues.
desert11sailor: Jim at his best.
desert11sailor: Johanna Caffinates.
desert11sailor: Foster the Dog
desert11sailor: Sam and the Amazing Italian Fruit Soda Concoction
desert11sailor: Worker Guys
desert11sailor: Charley and Lupita the Plymouth
desert11sailor: Sam, with....
desert11sailor: Jim, Phil, Johanna
desert11sailor: Phil and the... hat?
desert11sailor: Charley, age 14.
desert11sailor: Finished!
desert11sailor: Hand tightening
desert11sailor: New Plate
desert11sailor: Out with the old, in with the new
desert11sailor: Blasted little bolts!
desert11sailor: Get that sucker off!