desert11sailor: Farmer's Market, Madison, WI, September 30, 2006
desert11sailor: farmers2
desert11sailor: farmers3
desert11sailor: Useful for carrying food
desert11sailor: farmers6
desert11sailor: farmers7
desert11sailor: Useful information
desert11sailor: Food and politics
desert11sailor: Cheese. It is Wisconsin, after all.
desert11sailor: Chile?! Chile.
desert11sailor: More chile
desert11sailor: Colorful, and tasty!
desert11sailor: Mushrooms
desert11sailor: Capitol of Wisconsin
desert11sailor: Construction on the Square
desert11sailor: Northeast corner of the square
desert11sailor: And tasty cheese it is.
desert11sailor: Cheesecake
desert11sailor: Eat your hearts out, Chockoholics!
desert11sailor: The sign says it all
desert11sailor: Madison doesn't change much
desert11sailor: Reflections
desert11sailor: Pumpkins
desert11sailor: farmers25
desert11sailor: Ballerina cow and munchkin
desert11sailor: Ballerina cow
desert11sailor: No, I didn't know
desert11sailor: I'm not sure comment is possible