desert11sailor: Spivey's Bookstore
desert11sailor: This way to the goodies
desert11sailor: Through the window
desert11sailor: Mr. Spivey inspects the package
desert11sailor: Not for sale
desert11sailor: So many books, so little time.
desert11sailor: Kansas City's own
desert11sailor: Kansas and Nebraska
desert11sailor: Left over from another age
desert11sailor: Charlie contemplates the world
desert11sailor: Map room
desert11sailor: Spivey's tools of the trade
desert11sailor: Needs some repair
desert11sailor: Prints, as well as maps and books
desert11sailor: Top shelves
desert11sailor: In case you needed to get to the top shelves
desert11sailor: Mr. Spivey's relaxation equipment
desert11sailor: Into the basement
desert11sailor: Bookstore cat
desert11sailor: Heading upstairs
desert11sailor: Military/Naval history room
desert11sailor: Heading downstairs- ephemera
desert11sailor: Westerns, and....
desert11sailor: Travel, anyone?
desert11sailor: Doug contemplates a purchase
desert11sailor: Reading room
desert11sailor: Basement storage