desert11sailor: Looking aft
desert11sailor: Starboard side looking forward
desert11sailor: Back of turret 4
desert11sailor: 14" shells.
desert11sailor: Forward mast, shot from aft
desert11sailor: Seaplane crane
desert11sailor: Some kind of range finder widgy
desert11sailor: Five inch guns
desert11sailor: Looking aft from the bow
desert11sailor: Machinery space - steering engine
desert11sailor: A little clearance issue
desert11sailor: Ship's bell
desert11sailor: Good view of turrets 4 & 5
desert11sailor: Looking aft
desert11sailor: Nice bow
desert11sailor: Stern view
desert11sailor: Secondary guns
desert11sailor: Gray day, gray ship
desert11sailor: Port side, bow
desert11sailor: BB35 Sattelite image