Seattle City Light:
Tawny the nine-year old Golden Retriever visiting Diablo Dam. Submitted by Andre Ball, Power Supply.
Seattle City Light:
Hobbes the rescued mutt (potential Corgi and Beagle mix). Submitted by Brittany Broyles, Customer Energy Solutions
Seattle City Light:
Dina Jablonski (Power Supply) with English Cream Golden Retriever Kenzie.
Seattle City Light:
Ron Gavasso (Utility Support Services) and Miss Lily overlooking Hood Canal.
Seattle City Light:
Remi the German Shepard mix pup. Submitted by Courtney Adams, Generation Operations and Engineering.
Seattle City Light:
Vonie Polomis (Skagit) and her 13-year old dove, Girlbird.
Seattle City Light:
1.Alisa Armstrong (Network GIS) and Abe, Australian Cattle Dog
Seattle City Light:
Cooper the Manchester Terrier rescue with Dora the Kitty and Caiyden, son of Courtney Fuller in Human Resources.
Seattle City Light:
Andre the Giant, eight-year old Great Dane. Submitted by Laurent Delsuc, Customer Care.
Seattle City Light:
Tessa the 15-year old Golden Retriever. Submitted by Sharon Hardy, Power Supply.
Seattle City Light:
Bear the Newfoundland (11 months) and Charlie the Chihuahua-mix (13 years). Submitted by Farrah Paul, Communications.
Seattle City Light:
Teddy the 2-year old Snow White Labrador Retriever. Submitted by Tamara Jenkins, Asset Management and Large Projects.
Seattle City Light:
Prince Uno the American Eskimo (Standard). Submitted by Aurora M. Ordonia, Financial Planning.
Seattle City Light:
Sea Ponies Captain and Morgan. Submitted by Dina Jablonski, Power Supply.
Seattle City Light:
Ollie. Submitted by Shelly Sherwood, Communications.
Seattle City Light:
Chloe the Maltese. Submitted by Hernann Ambion, Communications.
Seattle City Light:
Mother Mildred (left) and Daughter Mabel (right) are ready to rock!
Seattle City Light:
Maude the Seward Park rescue cat.
Seattle City Light:
Lulu the German Shepard. Submitted by Richard Krug, Project Development
Seattle City Light:
Kodi the Keeshond. Submitted by Scott Thomsen, Communications.
Seattle City Light:
Coco the Keeshond. Submitted by Scott Thomsen, Communications.
Seattle City Light:
Jyn the 7 ½ month old Alaskan Malamute/Labrador/Akita/German Shepherd mix. Submitted by Jacqueline Shepard, Customer Care.
Seattle City Light:
Jafar the 6-year old Labrador mix. Submitted by Jacqueline Shepard, Customer Care.
Seattle City Light:
Jackson the 4-year old English Bulldog. Submitted by Laurent Delsuc, Customer Care.
Seattle City Light:
Seattle City Light:
Frank. Submitted by Shelly Sherwood, Communications.
Seattle City Light:
Earl Grey (rescued from Highline Seatac Botanical Garden).
Seattle City Light:
Clyde le Roux, abandoned neighborhood kitty (with Sounders rave-green pollen streak).
Seattle City Light:
Chloe Jean, Sheltie. Submitted by Diana Williams, Skagit.
Seattle City Light:
Buddy the Pitt/Rottweiler mix and Swayze the yellow Lab. Submitted by Nicole Schultz, Communications.