Seattle City Council: 2016 Inaugural Ceremony
Seattle City Council: Students urge Council to support their school walkout in protest of gun violence
Seattle City Council: Women of the Legislative Department
Seattle City Council: Women in Power_Group Photo (1 of 1)
Seattle City Council: Women in Power : International Women's Day 2018
Seattle City Council: Women in Power_Panel Full (1 of 1)
Seattle City Council: Women in Power_Room (1 of 1)
Seattle City Council: Women in Power_herbold (1 of 1)
Seattle City Council: Herbold-Women'sDay-2018
Seattle City Council: Council Group Portrait
Seattle City Council: CM O'Brien & Herbold on Seatlte Channel
Seattle City Council: CM Herbold and Rep. Valdez
Seattle City Council: CMs & Mayor Durkan meeting with Seattle's Legislative Delegation
Seattle City Council: Live in D5 w/ CM Juarez
Seattle City Council: Live in D5 w/ CM Juarez
Seattle City Council: Live in D5 w/ CM Juarez
Seattle City Council: Town Hall on Charleena Lyles
Seattle City Council: Town Hall on Charleena Lyles
Seattle City Council: Town Hall on Charleena Lyles
Seattle City Council: 2017 Pride Parade
Seattle City Council: 2017 Pride Parade
Seattle City Council: 2017 Pride Parade
Seattle City Council: 2017 Pride Parade
Seattle City Council: Fair Chance Housing legislation announcement
Seattle City Council: Fair Chance Housing legislation announcement
Seattle City Council: LGBTQ Pride Ceremony @ City Hall
Seattle City Council: LGBTQ Pride Ceremony @ City Hall
Seattle City Council: LGBTQ Pride Ceremony @ City Hall
Seattle City Council: LGBTQ Pride Ceremony @ City Hall
Seattle City Council: LGBTQ Pride Ceremony @ City Hall