seattle cat: a rainbow on the way to the coast of oregon
seattle cat: on the way to the coast of oregon
seattle cat: brussel sprouts hanging @ brookside farms, willamina, oregon
seattle cat: downpour on the way to lincoln city
seattle cat: our beach cottage, lincoln city, oregon
seattle cat: gabe's DJ station @ our beach cottage
seattle cat: view from the back of the cottage
seattle cat: backyard of beach cottage, lincoln city, oregon
seattle cat: flotsam & jetsom, lincoln city, oregon
seattle cat: the front yard of our beach cottage, lincoln city, oregon
seattle cat: gabe & monica working a puzzle, lincoln city, oregon
seattle cat: dave as sous chef, lincoln city, oregon
seattle cat: the hearth, lincoln city, oregon
seattle cat: appetizer a la monica: pumpkin soup and walnut & gorgonzola salad
seattle cat: our quarters: the loft of our cottage @ lincoln city
seattle cat: gabe on the beach near cascade head
seattle cat: monica & dave walking towards cascade head
seattle cat: defiance @ the crest of cascade head, lincoln city, oregon
seattle cat: gabe and his bro at the base of cascade head, lincoln city, or
seattle cat: low tide @ the base of cascade head
seattle cat: low tide elegance
seattle cat: our private staircase to the beach, lincoln city, oregon
seattle cat: gabe ready for flight
seattle cat: gabe & dragon kite, lincoln city
seattle cat: with gabe on the oregon coast, photo by dave herbertson