Seattle Roll:
"Broccoli for You!" *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
Happy Face :) *PePe*
Seattle Roll:
"Flexing!!!!!" Enlarge Version *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
"What is that noise???" *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
"I'm not a ferret." *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
"That's it??? You're joking!" *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
You're My Sunshine! *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
"Cleaning Time! My foot is not stinky!" *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
"Where's my chin???" *LiLi*
Seattle Roll:
Zoolander Pose "Blue Steel" or "Magnum" *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
Sitting & Thinking *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
BIG Yawn!!! *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
Comfortable Sitting *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
Monjya & LiLi #2 *LiLi*
Seattle Roll:
Kuma, You don't like me anymore? *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
"I'm okay! Thank you everyone!!!" *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
"Wanna see my leg?" *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
"Huh?" *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
Kumanoko's Speech (with Movie) *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
Kuma's Tongue *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
"Wooooooow..." *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
Napping *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
Thinking Very Hard *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
Eating,Smiling *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
LiLi made Sushi for Kuma *LiLi*
Seattle Roll:
Have a Safe Trip *LiLi*
Seattle Roll:
Praying for Toto *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
Tongue *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
Come here, My cute boy! *Kumanoko*
Seattle Roll:
"I Love Flannel!" *Kumanoko*