seasonofthebitch: how it began
seasonofthebitch: drawing on tablecloths
seasonofthebitch: rest stop
seasonofthebitch: anyone read Hebrew?
seasonofthebitch: on the way into Montreal
seasonofthebitch: the first thing we saw: the cops
seasonofthebitch: and then we found the march
seasonofthebitch: red and black
seasonofthebitch: people come out of their homes to join
seasonofthebitch: red shirts
seasonofthebitch: fuck capitalist!
seasonofthebitch: Quebec flag cape
seasonofthebitch: Charest corrupt
seasonofthebitch: overhead on Ste Catherine
seasonofthebitch: anarchopanda!
seasonofthebitch: endless march
seasonofthebitch: people on balconies join
seasonofthebitch: amnestie international...
seasonofthebitch: democratie de poutine
seasonofthebitch: 400 arrested, why?
seasonofthebitch: they just keep coming
seasonofthebitch: as you think it's ending, hundreds more
seasonofthebitch: and on and on
seasonofthebitch: Anon #GGI love
seasonofthebitch: and then the horse cops bring up the rear
seasonofthebitch: finding another march
seasonofthebitch: theatrale...
seasonofthebitch: dancing with pots on a rooftop