seasonofthebitch: occupied Wall Street, press and police edition
seasonofthebitch: no Bloomberg
seasonofthebitch: Liberty, 6:30 AM
seasonofthebitch: class war: they started it
seasonofthebitch: stop gambling my daughter's future
seasonofthebitch: because fuck them, that's why
seasonofthebitch: National Lawyers Guild
seasonofthebitch: counting helicopters
seasonofthebitch: arrest Bloomberg
seasonofthebitch: 99% at the Bank of America
seasonofthebitch: Jesse and Melissa match
seasonofthebitch: Take the banks' TARP too
seasonofthebitch: we have bread, where are the roses?
seasonofthebitch: official rules, "liberated" from Zuccotti Park
seasonofthebitch: announcements
seasonofthebitch: this moment is more precious than you think
seasonofthebitch: black flags
seasonofthebitch: the black flag
seasonofthebitch: Fuck! the system NYPD Bloomberg
seasonofthebitch: the limits of tyrants
seasonofthebitch: our future is not yours to leverage
seasonofthebitch: dear capitalism I hate you
seasonofthebitch: WE are the Citizens United