Searoom SF: The Ingredients
Searoom SF: The Most Excellent Cook
Searoom SF: The Most Excellent Results!
Searoom SF: St Peter's Chapel
Searoom SF: St Peter's Chapel
Searoom SF: St Peter's Chapel
Searoom SF: View from top of Mare Island
Searoom SF: Nowhere In Particular
Searoom SF: Snowman
Searoom SF: Morning fog over Donner Lake
Searoom SF: Morning fog over Donner Lake
Searoom SF: Where is everybody???
Searoom SF: Stage Coach Trail
Searoom SF: IMG_3417
Searoom SF: Stage Coach Trail
Searoom SF: Devil's Peak from Stagecoach trail
Searoom SF: Stage Coach Trail
Searoom SF: Judy waiting for me to set up camera
Searoom SF: A very happy couple
Searoom SF: Sunset
Searoom SF: Sunset
Searoom SF: View from our cabin across Donner Lake
Searoom SF: IMG_3432
Searoom SF: War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco, CA
Searoom SF: Garrison Keillor of "Prairie Home Companion"
Searoom SF: Mt Diablo from San Francisco Ferry Building
Searoom SF: Mt Diablo, (Losing its mantle of snow)