seaotter22: Playa Feet
seaotter22: Hot Tin Roof
seaotter22: Keds and Pineapple
seaotter22: Sidewalk Koi
seaotter22: Dog with Boots
seaotter22: The Good Life
seaotter22: Wooden Shoe Slippers
seaotter22: Feet and Scribble
seaotter22: Foot Wear Carnage
seaotter22: Hers and Mine
seaotter22: Marilyn and I
seaotter22: Garage Sale Shoes
seaotter22: Utrecht, Netherlands
seaotter22: Fading Tile
seaotter22: Lava Feet 1
seaotter22: First Fall
seaotter22: Orange Flowers
seaotter22: Central Park Picnic
seaotter22: New Pink Sandals and Turquoise Waters
seaotter22: Subway Feet
seaotter22: I'll Be Back..... As Your Freakin' Governor