Andrew Reding: osprey
Andrew Reding: osprey
Andrew Reding: osprey
Andrew Reding: osprey with fish
Andrew Reding: osprey in flight
Andrew Reding: osprey with striped mullet
Andrew Reding: osprey overhead
Andrew Reding: parent and child ospreys
Andrew Reding: parent and child ospreys
Andrew Reding: osprey in flight
Andrew Reding: osprey feeling frisky
Andrew Reding: osprey circling overhead
Andrew Reding: osprey soaring overhead
Andrew Reding: osprey with rainbow trout
Andrew Reding: the amazing wingspan of an osprey
Andrew Reding: osprey near top of tall Douglas fir, preparing to descend on trout
Andrew Reding: osprey flying over pond
Andrew Reding: osprey in flight with rainbow trout
Andrew Reding: osprey in flight overhead