Sean Paul Kelley: Tapir, Belize 2004
Sean Paul Kelley: Jaguar, Belize 2004
Sean Paul Kelley: Crocodile, Belize 2004
Sean Paul Kelley: Jabiru Stork, Belize 2004
Sean Paul Kelley: Asiatic Lion, Sasan Gir India, 2004
Sean Paul Kelley: Gelada Baboon In Mid-Air
Sean Paul Kelley: Conch, Cruising The Beach
Sean Paul Kelley: Nice Kitty!
Sean Paul Kelley: Feeding The Elephants
Sean Paul Kelley: Long-Tailed Macaque
Sean Paul Kelley: Wasp-Mimicking Moth
Sean Paul Kelley: Monkey On A Wire
Sean Paul Kelley: Gecko On A Wall
Sean Paul Kelley: Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum)
Sean Paul Kelley: Gecko, Hampi
Sean Paul Kelley: Hanuman Langur
Sean Paul Kelley: Bat, Cave #15, Ellora
Sean Paul Kelley: Sally Lightfoot Crab (grapsus grapsus), Galapagos December 2010
Sean Paul Kelley: Marine Iguana
Sean Paul Kelley: Baby Sea Lion and Momma
Sean Paul Kelley: Land Iguana
Sean Paul Kelley: Giant Land Tortoise
Sean Paul Kelley: Javelina or Collared peccary (Pecari tajacu)
Sean Paul Kelley: Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus)