seanorr: The 4th floor was open
seanorr: Mashed
seanorr: The Heater, a film
seanorr: Nobody's gonna find us in the Eno Room
seanorr: I am Water
seanorr: Or maybe it's the matrix
seanorr: Interstellar
seanorr: Self Portrait at VAG redux
seanorr: Talk of the town
seanorr: A metaphor for contemporary society
seanorr: Lorri VS Gathie Falk
seanorr: Herzog and Meuron
seanorr: Self Portrait at Gallery
seanorr: LA Plays itself
seanorr: The Gallery Plays Itself
seanorr: This way, to the birds
seanorr: The Hills
seanorr: Pictorialism Take 2
seanorr: Light from Andrew Dadson's piece at the Tree Exhibit at the VAG
seanorr: Rodney Graham
seanorr: installation
seanorr: hidden art
seanorr: fish net
seanorr: Ayumi Goto and Peter Morin: how do you carry the land?
seanorr: Ayumi Goto and Peter Morin: how do you carry the land?
seanorr: Cabin Fever