Sean Houghton:
The Witches Broom Nebula
Sean Houghton:
Rho Area
Sean Houghton:
The Andromeda Galaxy
Sean Houghton:
The California Nebula
Sean Houghton:
The Triangulum Galaxy
Sean Houghton:
The Lagoon Nebula
Sean Houghton:
First Quarter Moon
Sean Houghton:
The Pacman Nebula
Sean Houghton:
The Horsehead and Flame Nebula
Sean Houghton:
Supernova Remnant IC 443
Sean Houghton:
2012 Partial Solar Eclipse
Sean Houghton:
2012 Partial Solar Eclipse
Sean Houghton:
2012 Partial Solar Eclipse
Sean Houghton:
M8 on Film